Tv manhunt gay

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If the name of Richard Jewell sounds familiar, that is because he is also the subject of recent Clint Eastwood movie Richard Jewell, which told the story of his time as a suspect in the bombings and how he received a trial by the media. In the CBS/Spectrum series, we explore the lives of the two suspects: Park security guard Richard Jewell (Cameron Britton), who the media hounded after he was thought to be a suspect due to fitting the profile of a 'lone gunman,' and Eric Rudolph (Jack Huston), a right-wing radical with links to Army of God, a militant anti-abortion terrorist group. This time, however, the series is tackling the real-life events of the 1996 bombing of Atlanta's Olympic Park, which killed one person and injured 100. Like the first season of Manhunt, the show tells a true story.

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Manhunt: Deadly Games is starting on CBS on Monday, September 21, seven months after the show debuted as a Spectrum Original.

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